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  Fotogaleria - Taipei Representative Office in Poland 駐波蘭台北代表處
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Chiang attend the 8th annual meeting of Overseas Association in Poland Ambassador Jack K.C. Chiang attend the 8th annual meeting of Overseas Association in Poland Polish Ministry of Culture awarded Lin Wei Yun cultural contribution Medal Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Poland donated medical equipment to "The light of hope" Crippled Aid Association Audience in the theater hall before performance. Ambassador Jack K.C. Chiang gave an address before GuoGuang Opera performance Audience in the theater hall before performance Ambassador Jack K.C. Chiang and Prresident of Radom city Andrzej Kosztowniak in performance reception. Curtain call in Theater Powszechny in Radom city. President of Radom city Andrzej Kosztowniak, Company Director of GuoGuang Opera Beau-Shahn Jung,Director Shiao-Pin Lee, actor Wen-Hua Tang and leading actor Chai-Chi Lee. The audience in Lodz GuoGuang Opera performed in Lodz GuoGuang Opera performed in Radom city Taipei Fair Foundation in International Warsaw Book Fair Taipei Fair Foundation in International Warsaw Book Fair 2013 Chinese New Year Dinner Party 2013 Chinese New Year Dinner Party The General Assembly Meeting of TaiwanICDF Alumni Society in Poland The General Assembly Meeting of TaiwanICDF Alumni Society in Poland Taiwan donate iiiGuide-c system to the Palace Museum in Wilanow The General Assembly Meeting of TaiwanICDF Alumni Society in Poland Taiwan donate iiiGuide-c system to the Palace Museum in Wilanow Taiwan donate iiiGuide-c system to the Palace Museum in Wilanow The General Assembly Meeting of TaiwanICDF Alumni Society in Poland The General Assembly Meeting of TaiwanICDF Alumni Society in Poland The General Assembly Meeting of TaiwanICDF Alumni Society in Poland The General Assembly Meeting of TaiwanICDF Alumni Society in Poland The General Assembly Meeting of TaiwanICDF Alumni Society in Poland The General Assembly Meeting of TaiwanICDF Alumni Society in Poland National Day Reception National Day Reception National Day Reception National Day Reception The stand of Taipei Book Fair Foundation at 3rd Warsaw Book Fair The stand of Taipei Book Fair Foundation at 3rd Warsaw Book Fair The presentation of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in the Radom Art School. The presentation of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in the Radom Cultural Center. The Mayor of Radom Mr. Andrzej Kosztowniak learn to fold paper The presentation of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in the Radom Cultural Center. Mr.Hsin-fu Hung performed in the Asian Cultural Festival “Fantazja”of Warsaw Univ. The presentation of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in the Radom Cultural Center. Mr.Hsin-fu Hung performed in the Asian Cultural Festival “Fantazja”of Warsaw Univ. Taiwan artist Hsin-fu Hung exhibition held in the Radom Cultural Center The presentation of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in the Radom Art School. Taiwan artist Hsin-fu Hung exhibition held in the Radom Cultural Center The presentation of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in the Radom Art School. The presentation of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in the Radom Art School. The presentation of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in the Radom Art School. The presentation of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in the Radom Art School. The presentation of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in the Radom Cultural Center. The presentation of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in the Radom Cultural Center. The show of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in Bielany library,Warsaw. The presentation of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in the Radom Cultural Center. Taipei National Palace Museum Replicas in Radom, Poland Taipei National Palace Museum Replicas in Radom, Poland Taipei National Palace Museum Replicas in Radom, Poland Taipei National Palace Museum Replicas in Radom, Poland Taipei National Palace Museum Replicas in Radom, Poland Taipei National Palace Museum Replicas in Radom, Poland Taipei National Palace Museum Replicas in Radom, Poland Taipei National Palace Museum Replicas in Radom, Poland The teaching of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in Bielany library,Warsaw. Taipei National Palace Museum Replicas in Radom, Poland The show of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in Bielany library,Warsaw. Taipei National Palace Museum Replicas in Radom, Poland The show of Mr.Hsin-fu Hung in Bielany library,Warsaw. Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom Delegation from Taoyuan Visits Radom 2011 World Archery Youth Championships 2011 World Archery Youth Championships Liao Ci Fu’s Ink Paintings Exhibition in Resursa, Radom Liao Ci Fu’s Ink Paintings Exhibition in Resursa, Radom Liao Ci Fu’s Ink Paintings Exhibition in Resursa, Radom Liao Ci Fu’s Ink Paintings Exhibition in Resursa, Radom Liao Ci Fu’s Ink Paintings Exhibition in Resursa, Radom Liao Ci Fu’s Ink Paintings Exhibition in Resursa, Radom Liao Ci Fu’s Ink Paintings Exhibition in Resursa, Radom “Sublime Taiwan” Photo Exhibition in Olsztyn 5 “Sublime Taiwan” Photo Exhibition in Olsztyn “Sublime Taiwan” Photo Exhibition in Olsztyn 3 “Sublime Taiwan” Photo Exhibition in Olsztyn “Sublime Taiwan” Photo Exhibition in Olsztyn “Sublime Taiwan” Photo Exhibition in Olsztyn “Sublime Taiwan” Photo Exhibition in Olsztyn “Sublime Taiwan” Photo Exhibition in Olsztyn 55th Warsaw International Book Fair 55th Warsaw International Book Fair 55th Warsaw International Book Fair 55th Warsaw International Book Fair 55th Warsaw International Book Fair 55th Warsaw International Book Fair 55th Warsaw International Book Fair 55th Warsaw International Book Fair 55th Warsaw International Book Fair 55th Warsaw International Book Fair 55th Warsaw International Book Fair 55th Warsaw International Book Fair 55th Warsaw International Book Fair Woodprint Exhibition in Elblag Woodprint Exhibition in Elblag Woodprint Exhibition in Elblag Woodprint Exhibition in Elblag Woodprint Exhibition in Elblag Woodprint Exhibition in Elblag Woodprint Exhibition in Elblag Woodprint Exhibition in Elblag Sublime Taiwan Photo Exhibition & Donation to Hospice in Radom Sublime Taiwan Photo Exhibition & Donation to Hospice in Radom Sublime Taiwan Photo Exhibition & Donation to Hospice in Radom Sublime Taiwan Photo Exhibition & Donation to Hospice in Radom Sublime Taiwan Photo Exhibition & Donation to Hospice in Radom Sublime Taiwan Photo Exhibition & Donation to Hospice in Radom Sublime Taiwan Photo Exhibition & Donation to Hospice in Radom Sublime Taiwan Photo Exhibition & Donation to 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Dancers in Poland Lan Yang Dancers in Poland Tsai Ming-liang at Era New Horizons Film Festival Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Tsai Ming-liang at Era New Horizons Film Festival Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Tsai Ming-liang at Era New Horizons Film Festival Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Donating Ceremony in the Senior Health Center Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Donating Ceremony in the Senior Health Care Center Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora Donating Ceremony in the Senior Health Center Winning Dance Troupe in Zielona Gora HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz HonWa Folk Dance Troupe in Lodz Aboriginal Dancing Troupe in Lublin Aboriginal Dancing Troupe in Lublin Aboriginal Dancing Troupe in Lublin Aboriginal Dancing Troupe in Lublin Aboriginal Dancing Troupe in Lublin Aboriginal Dancing Troupe in Lublin Aboriginal Dancing Troupe in Lublin Aboriginal Dancing Troupe in Lublin Aboriginal Dancing Troupe in Lublin Aboriginal Dancing Troupe in Lublin Aboriginal Dancing Troupe in Lublin Aboriginal Dancing Troup in Lublin Aborignal Dancing Troupe in Lublin Aboriginal Dancing Troupe in Lublin Aboriginal Dancing Troupe in Lublin Aboriginal Dancing Troupe in Lublin 2009 Warsaw Book Fair 1 2009 Warsaw Book Fair 3 2009 Warsaw Book Fair 2 Ms. Ting-ying Huang at 2009 UCI World Championship in Poland archery competition(7) archery competition(6) archery competition(5) archery competition(4) archery competition(3) archery competition(2) archery competition(12) archery competition(1) archery competition(11) archery competition(10) archery competition(9) archery competition(8) photo exhibition in Bialystok 4 photo exhibition in Bialystok 3 photo exhibition in Bialystok 2 photo exhibition in Bialystok 1 Taiwanese Culture Day in Torun Taiwanese Culture Day in Torun Taiwanese Culture Day in Torun Taiwanese Culture Day in Torun National Day Banquet National Day Banquet Taiwan Team Competes in the International Dragon Boat Racing Competition in Poznan Taiwan Team Competes in the International Dragon Boat Racing Competition in Poznan Taiwan Team Competes in the International Dragon Boat Racing Competition in Poznan Taiwan Butterfly Exhibition Opens in Wroclaw Zoo Representative David Liu Meets the Wroclaw Council Chairwoman Barbara Zdrojewska Technology Photo Exhibition Opens in Gorzow Wlkp.'s Grodzki Dom Kultury Technology Photo Exhibition Opens in Gorzow Wlkp.'s Grodzki Dom Kultury Taiwan Team Competes in the International Dragon Boat Racing Competition in Poznan Taiwan Team Competes in the International Dragon Boat Racing Competition in Poznan Taiwan Team Competes in the International Dragon Boat Racing Competition in Poznan Aboriginal Dancing Troupe Performance Aboriginal Dancing Troupe Performance Aboriginal Dancing Troupe Performance Aboriginal Dancing Troupe Performance Pianist Ching-jung Lu Performs in Festiwal Ogrody Muzyczne Warszawa 2008 Pianist Ching-jung Lu Performs in Festiwal Ogrody Muzyczne Warszawa 2008 Pianist Ching-jung Lu Performs in Festiwal Ogrody Muzyczne Warszawa 2008 Pianist Ching-jung Lu Performs in Festiwal Ogrody Muzyczne Warszawa 2008 Pianist Ching-jung Lu Performs in Festiwal Ogrody Muzyczne Warszawa 2008 Pianist Ching-jung Lu Performs in Festiwal Ogrody Muzyczne Warszawa 2008 Pianist Ching-jung Lu Performs in Festiwal Ogrody Muzyczne Warszawa 2008 Pianist Ching-jung Lu Performs in Festiwal Ogrody Muzyczne Warszawa 2008 Technology Photo Exhibition in Radom Technology Photo Exhibition in Radom Technology Photo Exhibition in Radom Technology Photo Exhibition in Radom Technology Photo Exhibition in Radom Ambasador Shih w imieniu rządu Tajwańskiego przekazał sprzęt medyczny szpitalowi powiatowemu w Lublińcu

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